Immersive Analytics



Today with Big Data, we are in real "Data Deluge" . All companies have data-driven strategies to develop theirs businesses We must maximize our ability to acquire and understand information by changing paradigms Indeed, we still use our classic terminals which are no longer up to these challenges: quick vision & understanding to facilitate analysis easy, natural and intuitive interactions to simplify handling visualization of complex data in immersive multi-dimensions (dive into your data at 360 °) collaborate in real time with your collaborators, partners and customers to accelerate decision-making processes Immersive Analytics is for spatial computing It's a new way to request, vizualise, analyse, interact and collaborate naturally and intuitively with your data using your senses (Voice and Gestures) In addition Immersive Analytics include collaboration tools for Smart Industries and Training with remote assistance solution (Several expert consoles can be connected to one Hololens)

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